Data Centre

We manufacture a wide range of parts & products for this industry.Weather your looking for parts for a new facility or looking to match existing products already on site.

We have the capability and manufacturing facility along with a dedicated powder coating plant to produce products on a small or large scale to match your requirements.


Racks / Cabinets / Blank & Filler panels / Plinths / Shelves / Accessories 

And to make sure all your server and IT equipment are secure we can manufacture full caging systems.All caging is  manufactured  to our customers requirements ,all caging is precision made and modular in design for easy installation.Panels are solid steel and can be perforated were needed to allow for airflow.Depending on the locking mechanism we can custom make the door weather its hinged OR sliding to incorporate the locking system.Parts are then powder coated to the required colour and finish.

In addition to these parts we can also manufacture  CAC & HAC containment systems.